Shouz Staff Profiles - Meet Doris

The very photogenic Doris is another star member of the Shouz retail team. She has the uncanny ability to make everybody feel like they’re part of her family. Her warmth, friendliness and love for a good chat will instantly make you feel like you’ve been friends for years. Next time you see her in-store, make sure to ask about the books she has written!

Where did you grow up? 



Favourite Food?

-Being of Greek background, I have to say Greek food. 


Favourite colour?



Give us a funny, interesting, quirky fact about yourself:

-I am a self-published author. My first book, Life Has Two Doors, a memoir capturing the journey of four young Greek women who immigrated to Australia in the mid 1960's was released in January 2016. The Greek edition followed and was released in March 2019. Presenting my books in Greece in 2016 and 2019 was a dream come true for me! 


Working at Shouz since:

-June 2020 


What do you enjoy most about working here?

-What isn't there to enjoy ... the incredibly warm, friendly and genuine work environment, the enthusiastic and beautiful work colleagues and of course being supported by the most dedicated, caring and selfless boss ladies ever, who make coming to work such a joy! 


Favourite Shouz brand and why?

-Neo, and Nu by Neo. They’re such stylish European brands - a bit edgy, and beautiful soft leather in modish colours. 


Current favourite style we stock and why?

-I am loving all the wedge styles this season - Very chic, so much variety and up to the minute styles!

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